TSIB in the media
Part of my choice to step away from 9-5 employment in late 2012 was to embrace the writer and speaker within. I write about a range of topics covering missing people, grief, loss, parenting and mental health. I also provide expert comment for a number of national publications on the role of good emotional health across all life experiences.
Over the last 10 years I’ve appeared on a number of television programs talking about missing people and enjoy a good chat on radio about topics like grief, loss and hope.
Im scheduled to finish my PhD in 2014 and focus more on developing this area with the goal to create a better understanding about the space in between – regardless of what that space is.
If you have a media enquiry about TSIB please contact me at info(at)thatspaceinbetween(dot)com
Just click on the icons below for some examples of the stories I tell and the words I write.